


Our annual list of Nashville’s most influential people


纳什维尔因其成功而备受关注——起重机点缀着天际线, 大企业搬到城里去了. But the city is also facing significant challenges. 对于太多的纳什维尔人来说,住房、良好的教育和良好的工资是遥不可及的. 2023年掌权者名单上的人将推动这座城市走向更光明的未来.

维克·亚历山大—— 经理主管, KraftCPAs:在该地区顶级会计和咨询公司之一掌舵三十年. Adviser to various businesses and involved in community organizations.

保罗·艾伦—— 财富战略总裁:经验丰富的金融高管,2014年创立WSP. Provides white glove financial planning services to institutions, 捐赠基金, 企业主和高管.

山姆·班尼特—— 办公室管理合伙人, 毕马威:专注于消费者领域的客户, 零售和工业制造部门,同时监管四大会计师事务所在纳什维尔和诺克斯维尔的办事处.

塞斯·伯恩斯坦—— 总裁兼首席执行官, AllianceBernstein:经营资产管理公司,现已落户Fifth + Broad. Previously spent more than three decades at JPMorgan Chase.

大卫·布里格斯 总统, Fifth Third Bank (Tennessee): Worked at Bank of America, Capital and First Tennessee before joining Cincinnati lender in 2018.

凯特·伯克—— 首席运营官和首席财务官, 联博:前人力资源官员在这家新成立的资产管理公司担任过一系列高层职位. In 2019 was named COO and last year added CFO to her title.

Sid Chambless—— Executive Director, Nashville Capital Network: Leads VC firm now 20 years old. Last year closed its largest startup fund to date at $70 million.

林赛·考克斯—— 首席执行官, 启动田纳西州:2013年至2019年在一家公私合营的创业组织工作,之后在美国创业公司担任高管.S. Economic Development Administration and The Company Lab in Chattanooga. Returned to lead Launch Tennessee last year.

约翰·克洛斯林和贾斯汀·克洛斯林 和校长, Crosslin: Along with Bryan White heading IT services group, jointly lead the CPA firm that was founded more than three decades ago.

托尼·皮特—— 首席执行官, Asurion:这家拥有20年经验的移动设备保险公司和技术支持巨头最近在海湾地区开设了新总部, rebrand its uBreakiFix stores and conduct layoffs.

亚伦·多恩—— 首席执行官, Studio Bank: Leader of bank founded in 2018, 该公司去年宣布计划在威廉姆森县和克拉克斯维尔开设办事处,并成立Studio Financial Holdings. 

杰夫·德拉蒙兹—— 首席执行官, LBMC: Leader of advisory and accounting firm since 2015. Late last year added a new CFO/COO and new CIO. 此前曾领导LBMC的税务部门,并在纳什维尔地区商会担任领导职务.

L.A. Galyon - 管理合伙人, Brentwood Capital Advisors: Health care-focused investment banker who leads BCA, 1999年成立的投资银行.

〇蔡斯·吉尔伯特 首席执行官, Built Technologies:建筑贷款软件管理公司的联合创始人,该公司2021年估值超过10亿美元. Like other tech companies around the country, instituting layoffs.

帕克·格里菲斯—— 东南市场总监Robert W. Baird Private Wealth Management: Leader of Baird’s area team since 2012. Involved with community groups including Centerstone and Room In The Inn.

罗布·哈里斯—— 伙伴,荷兰 & 奈特:在沃勒最近与荷兰合并之前,他领导了沃勒的金融服务团队 & 骑士. Has worked with the Titans and IVX Health on transactions.

克莱·哈特—— Executive Vice 总统 and Senior Lending Officer, Pinnacle Financial Partners:作为贷方区域商业银行集团的领导者,专注于商业和中端市场客户. Previously the local president of Renasant Bank.

布莱恩·海因里希斯 总裁兼首席执行官, Fourth Capital Bank: Previously CFO of a bank in Kansas, 他于2019年加入这家由盖伦·劳伦斯(Gaylon lawrence)所有的金融机构,并于2021年被任命为首席执行官.

〇克里斯·霍姆斯 首席执行官, FB Financial: Oversaw IPO at parent company of 世界赌博十大网站, now the named sponsor of Vanderbilt football stadium.

丹尼斯·霍瓦特 田纳西州和阿拉巴马州的市场总监, JPMorgan Chase: Tasked with leading local retail growth at country’s largest bank. Previously a banker and branch manager in Indiana.

格兰特·杰克逊—— 管理普通合伙人, 理事会资本:自2016年以来,一直领导总部位于格林希尔斯的专注于医疗保健的私募股权公司. Recent investments have included Alivia Analytics.

马特Jernigan ——首席执行官, 奥升德联邦信用合作社:今年接替长期领导卡伦·加布里埃尔担任领导职务. Tullahoma-based credit union has expanded around the region in recent years.

迈克•约翰逊 -公司银行业务总裁兼主管, PNC Bank Tennessee: After a long stint with Wells Fargo, joined Pittsburgh-based PNC in 2018 as regional leader. Overseeing expansion of retail banking operations around Nashville.

凯文薰衣草 — Executive Vice 总统 and Head of Commercial Banking, Fifth Third Bancorp: Has held leadership positions with the Nashville Convention & 游客集团. 非裔美国人音乐国家博物馆,以及其他社区组织. Veteran banker and former state banking official.

Gaylon劳伦斯 -业主F&M银行,第四资本,志愿国家银行:他的手在各种地方金融机构. 去年,他在西海岸的葡萄酒产业中又增加了一家著名的波尔多酒庄.

乔·麦克斯韦 -管理合伙人, FINTOP Capital:连续金融科技企业家完成了2.2亿美元的风险投资基金,超出了人们的预期.

罗伯·麦凯布 ——董事长, Pinnacle Financial Partners:在联合创立纳什维尔最大的本地银行之前,在诺克斯维尔建立了银行业生涯. 社区 leader has helped guide Cheekwood and other organizations.

约翰McDearman -威尔逊银行总裁兼首席执行官 & 信托:从联合创始人兰德尔·克莱蒙斯手中接管了这家郊区巨头. Joined Cumberland University’s board last year.

约翰·马克·麦克道格尔 — Audit Practice Leader, LBMC: Leads firm’s accounting and assurance practice. Joined LBMC in 2004 and has been on its board since 2010.

珍妮Menzie 总统, Cumberland Trust: Previously a practicing attorney, 自2012年以来,他一直在该公司担任多个职位,并于2021年接替佩佩·普雷斯利(佩佩·普雷斯利)担任总裁, 谁仍然是公司的领导. 

约翰尼·摩尔 -区域总裁, Truist Financial: Formerly leader of SunTrust’s Memphis team, tapped to run Tennessee operations for combined SunTrust-BB&T机构. 新加入蓝十字.

泰森摩尔 ——市场总裁, 美国银行:继续担任美林的区域领导职务,同时监管美国银行在纳什维尔地区的多县市场, 这是他接替约翰·斯坦的职位.

汤姆·奥康纳 -市场主管, Synovus银行:银行业资深人士加入Synovus,在田纳西州中部发展强大的商业行业.

塞尔吉奥·奥拉 -总裁兼首席执行官, Citizens Savings Bank & 信托:长期的银行业官员从退休中走出来,领导这个国家最古老的持续经营的少数族裔银行, 现在着眼于显著增长.

黎明帕特里克 - Cherry Bekaert纳什维尔管理合伙人:与科技、健康和工业公司合作. Leads local arm of firm that bought Frasier Dean & 2017年霍华德.

佩佩·普雷斯利 -主席兼行政总裁, 坎伯兰信托:前SunTrust官员于2021年辞去CT总裁职务,同时保留其他领导职务.

吉姆Rieniets -总裁兼首席执行官, INSBANK: Has been with the bank since its inception two-plus decades ago, 担任各种领导职务. Has also worked with the American and Tennessee bankers associations.

Doug Rohleder -安永会计师事务所办公室管理合伙人 & 年轻的: Named Big Four office leader in 2018. Specializes in health care and has been involved at Vanderbilt and United Way.

吉姆•施密茨 -纳什维尔市场领导者, 艾略特·戴维斯:在地区银行工作后,于2019年加入会计和咨询公司,领导增长. Also helps organize downtown businesses pushing for party bus regulations.

提姆学校 -总裁兼首席执行官, CapStar Financial: 2019年搬到城里,接替创始人兼首席执行官克莱尔·塔克(Claire Tucker)担任领导. Bank in 2022 expanded for the first time outside the state, though growth push is focused on existing markets.

比尔斯帕斯 -联合创始人及负责人, Diversified Trust: Oversees funds for families, 在范德比尔特领导了一段时间的投资之后,基金会和退休计划.

特里·特纳 -总裁兼首席执行官, Pinnacle Financial Partners:帮助创办了纳什维尔最大的银行,并一直领导着这家银行. After peaking in early 2022, stock shares fell back to earth. 

菲比小学的 -总裁兼首席执行官, CapWealth:在长期为高净值家庭服务后,于2010年加入CapWealth. Firm founded by Tim Pagliara in 2022 won legal battle with SEC.

布拉德福德维埃拉 - ServisFirst Bank纳什维尔地区首席执行官:2013年领导阿拉巴马州银行向田纳西州扩张. 2021年,将业务转移到Broadwest.

大卫Waddell - 首席执行官, Waddell & Associates: After beginning his career at Charles Schwab, now leads investment strategy for firm with offices in Memphis and Brentwood.

约翰西 -德勤(Deloitte)办公室管理合伙人:该公司资深人士负责管理400人的田纳西州中部团队. Audit and assurance practice leader was tapped in 2020 to lead regional team.

乔纳森Wilke -田纳西州管理合伙人, Forvis:领导去年BKD和DHG合并后的公司的当地办事处. 曾在DHG和Ernst工作 & 年轻的.

约翰·威尔逊 ——田纳西州总统, United 社区 Bank: Following the death of DeVan Ard, 被选为南卡罗莱纳银行的本地业务负责人,这家银行最近收购了布伦特伍德的Reliant.

Ward Wilson ——美国地区总裁.S. 银行:领导国家银行田纳西州中部业务近20年.

卡罗尔Yochem 总统, 田纳西州中部地区, 第一地平线银行:在道明银行收购第一地平线银行的过程中,领导该银行的区域团队.


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